Friday, January 14, 2011


Wow have I been slacking! I was on quite a roll with the blog, and then...nothing. Sorry to leave ya'll hanging.

Christmas morning the three of us headed up to Whidbey. We first went to my Mom & Marv's for breakfast and to celebrate Christmas. Ian wore his Santa footie pajamas. He had a good time opening presents, playing with Pedro the singing dog (sings Feliz Navidad), oohing at the Christmas tree.

Then about 2ish we headed over to the Sorenson's for the afternoon and dinner. Ian again had a lot of fun opening gifts and playing with his toys. He got a neat handmade wooded car made by Grandpa Sorenson. We had beef fondue for dinner. It was really good! Ian had the usual...turkey meatballs! He could LIVE on those! We spent the night and spent the next day with the Sorenson's so they could enjoy Ian. Christmas was very nice.

New Year's Eve Dirk & I actually went out! All these years of NOT having a kid, we usually stayed home. But this year we were invited to a party at our friends Robb & Mark's, so we took Ian to a baby sitter and went out from 7:30-10:30, when picked Ian up & drove home. We were almost home by midnight. It was a really fun night! It was great to be dressed up & out with adults! New Year's day morning Dirk did the Resolution 5K & Polar Bear Plunge. (It was WAY too cold for me!)

Ian had been fighting a cold off & on for the last 3 weeks. He had a runny nose & cough. Within a week, it got worse & he had a fever. We went to the dr. & she prescribed amoxicillin. That seemed to work, but then after 7 days of that he developed a horrible rash all over his body! I didn't know if it was chicken pox or what, so I took him back to the dr. Turns out he's allergic to amoxicillin! The rash went away within 2-3 days, but his running nose & cough were back. Today I took him in because he was wheezing & was clammy. He was prescribed an albuterol inhaler, which he HATES! It's like torture getting him to do it, but it has made a big difference. The dr. said wheezing is very common in toddlers. we were supposed to go to Portland this weekend to celebrate Christmas with my Dad & Dani, but Dad's been sick. Turns out it was good we didn't go down since Ian is still sick. We go back to the dr. on Monday for a follow up.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Today Ian got his first pair of REAL shoes! We went to the Nike outlet and bought him some Nike runners. We noticed right away his balance was better. He seemed very proud of his new shoes. He kept looking at them & showing them to the sales ladies.

Then Dirk, Ian & I went downtown to the Christmas Carousel. Ian wasn't so crazy about it. I think he was a little scared. I was shocked at how fast the carousel goes! Dirk waited this one out and took pictures from the ground. After the carousel we went out to lunch. Ian was tired & fell asleep on the way home.

After a nap & snack, we celebrated Christmas. Ian got the Weeble Tree House, crayons, paint, stacking cups, and cars. I think he liked Christmas a lot. He played for quite awhile & was very excited!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Train!

Today Ian, Granma K, Amanda & Yago and I went on the North Bend/Snoqualmie Santa Train! We all had a wonderful time. On the way to Snoqualmie, Ian stood at the window & watched the sites roll by. When we got to the Snoq. Terminal, we stood in line to meet Santa. So far in his short life Ian has not had a problem with the Easter bunny or Santa, but on this trip he did not want to sit on his lap. I think he was just tired & being cranky. And Santa was not exactly in the cheeriest of moods. After meeting Santa, Mrs. Santa gave him a wooden train car that we get to assemble! Then we went to the Army car & had cookies & hot chocolate. Ian & Yago enjoyed playing at the kids train table. Then we got back on the train to go back to North Bend. On the trip back Ian & Yago must have had just enough sugar from the cookies & hot cocoa because they were SO FUNNY! They were babbling & grunting back and forth. Amanda, Granma & I were laughing so hard at them! They were hilarious!! It was a really fun day!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Trip to Whidbey!

Whew! The family world-wind-tour continues! = ) This week Ian & I took the ferry to Whidbey Island to see Granma & Granpa Klein. Their house was all decorated beautifully for Christmas with two trees! Granma, Ian & I visited Julia (mom's hairdresser & the kind woman that gives us hand-me-downs for Ian) to bring her Christmas presents. Ian & Granma played Christmas carols on the piano.

He loved the trees and was pretty good about not touching the ornaments. Granma also had a stuffed reindeer that moved his head. Ian liked that too.

Ian ate his meals in a highchair that was 93 years old! It was Joe's (Linda McNamara's dad's highchair). Linda is letting her borrow the chair till Ian can no longer fit in it. Ian was VERY tired from playing and slept a record 12 hours! Today we played some more, went for a walk around the neighborhood, watched the gas man (Ian loved the big truck). And then we came home. It was another nice visit.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Trip to Portland!

Thursday, Dec 2, Ian & I took got up super early & took the train to Portland to go see Grandpa Michael, Dani, Sharon & Logan. It was all to celebrate his first birthday. He was very good on the train. He looked out the window, played with his toys, took a short nap. Grandpa Michael picked us up & away we went! He really loved all the animals at Grandpa & Dani's. He was amazed with the iguana. He & Nelly had fun playing ball. On Friday we went to lunch with Logan & Sharon. Ian had Thai food for the first time & seemed to like it. For dessert they brought a coconut ice cream. I put a candle in it for him. Logan gave him Winnie-the-Pooh & Tigger. Dad & Dani gave him a seahorse that lulls you to sleep and a puppy that sings & teaches him colors & parts of the body. Sharon gave him a xylophone & bongo drums. We had a really good visit. We took the train back to Seattle & Ian stayed awake the whole trip back! We had the best macaroni & cheese I have ever had! It was a fun trip!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ian got a new haircut!

And the hair dresser put gel in his hair! He didn't mind the haircut, but he was tired & cranky, so he's frowning in the photo.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ian's First Birthday Celebration!

Ian's birthdate is Dec. 1, but he has already received his birthday presents from Grandma & Grandpa Sorenson. When they were headed to AZ, they stopped by to day goodbye & gave him one of two presents; an elephant that makes noise! At first Ian was afraid of it, but now he points to it every morning when he wakes up. The second present they gave him was his new highchair.

Today while Granma & Granpa K were here we celebrated his birthday with balloons & cupcakes! Dirk & I got him a shirt that says "Baby's First Birthday," which he wore. He "picked" out an orange frosting cupcake at the grocery store. When we first gave it to him, he didn't quite seem to know what to do with it. He did smile when we lit the candles & sang "Happy Birthday."
Then he open presents. Granma & Granpa K gave him a couple dinosaur hand puppets, a fabric laptop that sings the alphabet, makes animals sounds & other teaching features, a Santa nightlight, a Badgers track suit, an "Ian" puzzle. He really got into opening the presents. Dirk & I got him a dog named Scout that talks & sings to him, & teaches him things.

So far, Ian Sorenson has had a very good birthday! And it's not even his official birthday!